Mardi Gras was an overwhelmingly wonderful experience. I loved every moment of the festivities. Parade after parade, crawfish, oysters, marching bands, 80-degree weather in February, make New Orleans one of America’s greatest cultures.
And while all the glitz and outrageousness make New Orleans unique, it really is the people that make New Orleans special.
Resilient, seeped in appreciation for fine food, music and drink, laden in French and Spanish architecture, and understanding and appreciative of history, New Orleans is a melting pot of some of the finest things in life. Always has been and always will be.
I met with a wonderful distribution company while visiting. Fair Trade wine definitely has a place in this lovely city. Most people I talked to already knew what Fair Trade meant and wholeheartedly agreed to the principles and mission behind it. I am excited about the possibilities.
I love NOLA and will be back. I have much more exploring to do.
What a wonderful place to advertise Etica- Passionate people and wonderfully socially just wine! :) What could be better?
I LOVE the pin! Can I have one?
Hola Prima! I am taking the wine to Evan at the delachaise on Monday and I will let you know how that goes...NOLA MISSES YOU.
PS I carried your buttons on Fat Tuesday, and my backpack was covered in them as I marched in the Jew-lew parade.
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