Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Get to Work

I am not a spoiled brat. I was clearly just in the wrong job. My job as a small business owner, being passionate about my work and the cause I was steering came to an abrupt end. It was hard to transition to a customer service rep in a call center for Directv.

There is nothing like the experience of being a call center employee. Nothing has ever motivated me to get out of my current situation and regroup so feverishly. I heard my Dad’s words over and over again - “The best way to get over something is to go to work.”

Those words were really valuable to me at that time. While reviewing my life and indexing everything that I had done poorly (just to add depressing onto depression), I realized that work and change had been leaning on each other for ages.

Break up with my boyfriend - get to work.
Move to a new town - get to work.
Go to the edge of reason - get to work.
Get a job in corporate America - get to work.

I feel as if I could write forever about my experience at Directv and what I learned about big business and how I can now relate to Republican’s desire to decrease big governments but how I think big businesses seem equally inefficient .. but I’ll leave that for another time.

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