Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Long story short I was a history major in college. Obviously a great degree with no likely job or career direction in sight. So I went to graduate school to get myself further in debt. I loved the history of trade finding it mind boggling that “ethnic stuff” made in one country could be a huge hit in another. People who made “the stuff” didn’t know much about the people who bought “the stuff” and vice versa. I was a child of the ‘80s- Pier One and Multiples and there was so much “stuff” everywhere.

I day dreamed about “stuff” and soon became a consumer of “stuff”. If I had $5 I was shopping in an antique store buying weird Chinese or Japanese statues, trinkets and cheap goods that looked exotic and cool.

I wanted to get a degree in Marco Polo but instead read riveting books about trade treaties. When I learned how much “stuff” had an impact on everyone, I was hooked and wanted to figure out how.

And did I ever.

1 comment:

Brad Wilson said...

one day I shall find someone somewhere else that wants all the "stuff" I've accumulated.

Although, sadly, most of that "stuff" seems to be outdated technological artifacts, and note yummy wine.