Sunday, July 20, 2008


This is the land of “stuff”. Not that the Chinese are all too consumed with the consumption of “stuff” but rather the economic driver of selling it to the rest of the world. It seems that until recently most of us just ate it up. Now that gas is so freaking high I think some of us Americans figured out basic economics. (Why this isn’t a class in every high school is beyond me.)

So here I am. I have a degree in international trade and China is the land of “stuff”. I move and teach and learn that everything I learned in school was actually useful. I’m glad I had the economic background but I somehow still stereotyped 1 billion people. Eventually I learned that living is learning.

American companies lined up to sell their wares to the billion people who were, we hoped, dying to get more “stuff “for themselves. “Stuff” made us happy so “stuff” will make them happy too.

A little leery of how the impact of a billion “stuffed” people would affect the rest of the world, I started looking for more sustainable business models.

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