Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Coming Home Crazy

My search led me to London where I volunteered for the Fairtrade Foundation. I learned more about the benefits of treating people who produce the goods that you consume more fairly. It was an amazing experience.

I was moved by Oz Clarke’s eloquent speeches and vigorous promotion of Fair Trade wine. Wine + Fair Trade. This was starting to sound really good.

I traded in the rice wine for lager, I bought an umbrella and I bought wine at the grocery store. They had Fair Trade wine and lots of it.

I figured, if the Brits can drink Fair Trade wine, why can’t we? The US wine market has been growing for 16 years, we were really learning to appreciate the once overly exaggerated snooty beverage. My MOTHER was drinking wine more than once a year for goodness sakes!

I was feeling less of a wine snob and more like an entrepreneur.

I came home and well, you know the story from there.

Now we are growing and I am trying to keep up. There’s so much work to be done domestically too. We have created new labels and found more amazing wines.

Any partners out there?

Ready to join the wine revolution?